(303) 233-8518 SRP@continuumhealth.com
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One size does not fit all!

Person- centered care is a way of thinking and doing things that puts people at the center of their own care. We see them and their families as the experts of their lives and they are part of their daily lives.

Spring Ridge Park recognizes that person-centered care is essential to good dementia care and it’s a philosophy that is built around the needs of each individual and contingent upon knowing the person through an interpersonal relationship. We care for our residents as though they were our own family members.

Person-centered care for each resident includes:
* Assessment and care planning
* Medical management
* Information, education and support
* Understanding of dementia-related behaviors
* Activities of daily living
* Employees dedicated to meeting resident needs
* Supportive and therapeutic environment
* Transition and coordination of services
* Detection of changes

We are here and happy to help. Please come see us or call Stacie at 303-233-8518 to discuss your family’s questions or concerns.